Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Practice 1.1.10


English 9 Semester 1 Practice 1.1.10 instructs you to write an essay that explains how the foreshadowing in the "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs creates tension, suspense, or both.

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Sample Essay

        Authors like to provide clues and hints throughout their stories to give readers ideas about events that will happen later. This is called foreshadowing. It is aimed to create tension, making the readers eager to know what will happen next. To create tension, suspense, and uncertainty in his story, W.W. Jacobs employs this technique.

       For instance, when the sergeant-major was not willing to talk about the paw or give it to Mr. White, Jacobs gives clues and hints to foreshadow the tragic results of the first wish. To the sergeant-major, the first man who had the paw used his third wish to bid for his own death. This will generate fear in the mind of the reader who would want to know what might happen to the White family in the event they make a wish on the monkey’s paw.

     When the Whites have two wishes left after keeping the monkey’s paw, Jacobs foreshadows the ending, filled in suspense, which leaves the reader to speculate on when and how the Whites will use their final two wishes and whether doing so lead them to happiness or more agony.

      So, what does Jacobs has in common with most good storytellers? Jacobs, like them, keeps the reader in suspense in “The Monkey’s Paw” by creating tension. To do this, he foreshadows the ominous results of wishing on the monkey’s paw, not wanting the whites to suffer as others have. In addition, he foreshadows a suspense-filled ending by leaving the monkey’s paw in the White’s possession with two wishes remaining. The occurrence of foreshadowing does a lot to create the suspense that keep us interested in reading, wanting to know more, especially how the White family will end.